Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I purchase SecuCare products?

You can buy our products from affiliated retailers, who sell our products online and offline. 

Find all our affiliated retailers by going to outlets

Some companies also offer an assembly service and can assemble our products for you. Please double check that your local retailer offers this service first!

Can I return my order?

Please inquire about the return policy of the shop where you made the purchase.

How long do I have a warranty on my items?

This depends on the product. All our products have at least a 2-year warranty, but we even offer 5-year or 10-year warranties on some products. Go to the product page and scroll to “Specifications” to find out more about the warranty for your preferred product.

I’ve been sent the wrong product/a defective product/an incomplete product. What can I do?

Oh no! We’re very sorry to hear that. Please contact our customer service at and we will make sure the problem is solved as soon as possible. 

Can I pick up the products from Secu in person?

No, unfortunately that is not possible.

What are RAL Colours?

RAL is a standardised colour coding system used to define colours of paints and other coatings.